I've got SUPER AWESOME news!

Diary of a Nerd King is NOW available as an INSTANT eBook download for Kindle which is readable on the iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad, PC Computers, Mac Computers, and even on your TV!

You can read quite a few entries from my diary here on the Diary of a Nerd King blog (actually, it's not a diary, it's a journal, blog, log...), but the book has about 50% more stories and pictures. 

Even more exciting, my 2nd book will be coming out soon too! 

In fact, I'm planning on releasing a new episode once a week or every 2 weeks, depending on how fast this Matt guy can turn my Diary (journal) into books.

I like this idea because it's just like your favorite TV show that is on every week.  Now, instead of waiting a REALLY long time between books, you'll be able to get a new episode of Diary of a Nerd King every week or two instead of waiting for a year or so like other books make you do. 

I'm going to call each week's book an Episode, and then they'll be part of a Season, just like on TV.  The  first book, Diary of a Nerd King, that you see above, will become Season One, with the next episode that comes out being the first episode of Season Two. 

Now that I think about it, it's kinda like getting the latest issue of your favorite comic each week, and that TOTALLY rocks!