Win a FREE iPod Touch or Kindle Fire... YOUR CHOICE!

I'm Giving Away a FREE iPod Touch or Kindle FIRE... YOUR CHOICE!

If you don’t yet have an iPod Touch or a Kindle Fire and would like one for free, I’m giving  one away. This is a thank you for everyone's continued support of Diary of a Nerd King.

Here’s how to get one:

1) Just spread the word! Send people to this blog post or The Diary of a Nerd King page on Amazon. Here are some ideas: Facebook like, Facebook sharing, retweets, Twitter, e-mail, e-mail signature, stand on the corner and tell everyone you see. The last one doesn’t work as well as the others. :-)

2) Leave a comment on this post telling me what you did. If possible, quantify the impact (clicks, page views, etc.), and be sure to follow these two rules, which are required for your entry to be valid:

- Keep the entire comment to 200 words or fewer, so use bullets!
- If you're under 18, make sure you have your parent's permission.  I'll need to see confirmation before the   prize is awarded.

I'll consider the first 100 submissions, and then a few judges and I will choose the person we think did the best job.  Then I'll announce the winner here on the blog and ship out the prize!  Void where prohibited, Martians and extraterrestrials not allowed, etc., etc.  The winner will be announced within a week of me receiving the first 100 submissions.

Happy Holidays and Good Luck!


  1. Facebook Twitter and Google +
    I don't know exactly how many people saw it ,but I hope a lot !

    1. I linked it to youtube and I do not know who has watched it!and if I win I want an ipod touch

  2. Hi, I favorited the youtube video and shared the blog link on Facebook, Twitter and G+. I hope many people see it. Good luck!

  3. Hey, Liked the video & left a comment. Shared on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Liked on Amazon and also made sure to include a quick book review. Will definitely keep sharing it daily.

  4. I liked and commented on your video. I shared it on FaceBook. I put a link to the book and video on my Tumblr and also sent your channel name to my friend who is deciding on getting a new camera, especially a Nikon D7000 and shared this blog on my twitter. Here is a link to my Tumblr so you can see the post, it should be the top post:

  5. I just posted on my facebook page.
    Will keep you guys updated on the feedback I get.

  6. I liked and favorited ur video... I shared it via Facebook and posted it on my twitter justANNEtweets... :D i bought my d7000 this year coz of u!

  7. Shared on 2 twitter accounts. I hope it works. Tried to like it on amazon, but it says it's this book is not available in Asia. I hope you book gets popular, Matt.

  8. Hi there, I put a post in my facebook (it include picture of your book, link to amazon and link to your blog). My friends are mostly in Singapore and in Russia, who can read English :) Thanks!

  9. I share the link around and will be buying the book :)

  10. Sent links to all of my friends who are into photography as well as to a photography club at my university! Thanks, Paul

  11. Hi!
    I got my whole family helping out on this one. Each of them individually post the link on Facebook and twitter, covering thousands of views.

    We impacted our friends and family thinking that we wrote it :)

    My family don't celebrate Christmas, this would be a wonderful gift for me Paul. Thank You

    Here's a link to a website I write for. We get about 2000+ unique visitors minimum a day (spiking higher on other occasions). There's also an option to like it via facebook which shares this page on facebook as well

  13. Hi! I posted the link to on my Facebook wall. Looking forward to getting it for Christmas. Thx.

  14. Hey MATT!!!! Just gave your page a little Hillbilly love from Arkansas on my fb page! Can't wait to read it. My daughter is getting a Kindle Fire this year, so this will be the first thing going on it. Now when I win mine,,, I'll put it on and give it a read!

  15. Matt,

    Wow-- I'm actually really excited to read your book...I am a middle school English teacher and I think my students would love this!-Going to buy it on Amazon, and promote it everywhere- my Twylah page, my site, other teacher sites I contribute to, Twitter, Facebook, Google +, and LinkedIn. My reach might be smaller than some, but more niche related. But I still like your book and will help you out anyway!! Thanks for sharing!
    Tracy Schutz

  16. Oh crud... just realized no martians allowed! Oh well, put a blip about you and an Amazon box on my homepage anyway!
    You know a teacher can't afford a Kindle, so I'm off to promote in my other forums!! Be back to bug you later about my progress!

  17. I am going to post this to the KWAS forum and the Canadian Aquarium Connection webpage! Liked on Facebook and... what is this about Martians and extraterrestrials????? Mork? Excelcior? Gordon Shumway? You don't qualify!

  18. Posted your Amazon link to my pages! I have 2800 followers on Facebook and 177 on Twitter! Monkey sure would like that Kindle Fire! good luck with the book and Happy Holidays!

  19. i posted on google plus and faCEBOOK

  20. Hey Matt!
    I posted it on facebook, Got 5 likes and still going.

    And on twitter,!/LoganLee_

    I'll report back if I get anymore news.
    Thanks a lot. :)

  21. Hey Matt,
    Posted it on my Facebook
    hope this helps you out
    don't know how many people have seen it bet i got a fair few
    got about 450 freinds on Facebook
    Thanks and have a great christmas

  22. Hi Matt,Retweet the message I received. Downlaoded the book to my Kindle.

  23. Kennedy:

    - posted on Facebook
    - emailed all her friends
    - doing December's "book talk" on Diary of a Nerd King in her classroom

  24. -Posted on Facebook don't know how many people have seen it but I have 1598 friends on facebook and telling my friends to spread the word
    -Posted on twitter and I have 82 followers.
    I'm just gonna post here for more update!/krishaaankyle

  25. just got 11 likes and 9 shares on facebook for 30mins upon posting the link! :D

  26. OK-- still making progress; I'm talkin you up on Twitter and just added some information on a refer-a-book discussion on LinkedIn's Network of Educators. --Which has 1000+ members, many of which are active DAILY. My middle school is now involved (100+ chatty teachers who read a lot, as well as teachers who are at other schools spreading the word. How am I doing so far? {:>)

  27. Wow! Super efforts so far!!! It's going to be REALLY hard to choose the winner. Keep up the great work!!!

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Here what i did

    - posted it on twitter
    -liked it on facebook
    -told everyone i knew to tell everyone they knew
    -tweeted the video out about the contest
    overall i would say 200-300 view my liking, and telling everyone

  30. Shared it on:
    google plus
    +1 ed your blog
    instagrammed a picture of your book with a link.

  31. tweeted @DemanofSteel!/Demanofsteel/status/146731691124342784

  32. •posted your blog to twitter•posted your amazon page to twitter•re-tweeted with my husbands account ;-) • posted to my facebook page•Posted to G+ • G+ on your blog•emailed to 5 friends...I would really like either of these items.

  33. Posted on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and blog.

  34. Still sharing daily! You're on my homepage, shared a review on Amazon, sharing you several times a day on Twitter, LinkedIn, and FB. Now, I'm off to talk up that drawing and writing contest we spoke about!!

  35. Facebook Share:


    Sorry, not a bird. I didn't tweet.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Posted on Facebook, Twitter & Tumblr!!
    + i tweeted the video!

    i'd do anything to win the iPod Touch!

  38. Posted on my Facebook wall, liked and shared Facebook page, talked about it on YouTube, and posted on Google+ !!!!!

  39. Nothing like a retweet to all my Aussie friends, spreading the word worldwide lol

  40. Reviewed and rated it amazon and rated it on and passed the link on twitter and google+,On twitter I got 5 followers since I posted the rate and am getting more,and google plus I just posted(seconds ago(maybe not when I post the comment))

  41. OK- took a brief hiatus for the holidays, but am back at it now! C'mon people...this book is so stinkin cute for so many ages! Promote! Promote!


    Nerd King Cheerleader

  42. Shared art contest with district teachers! That should be some great promotion put into play...they'll pass it along to their friends, and so on and so forth! Awesome!!

  43. I retweeted! Lindsay Teague Moreno

  44. Great work everybody! A little tip... if you spread the word and get 1 or 2 friends or family members to get involved, we'll be there over-night! It doesn't hurt your chances because we'll choose the winner from the first 100 entries. Keep rockin' it!

  45. Another little tip... reviews are the best thing anyone can do to help out Diary of a Nerd King on Amazon. If you haven't already left a review, why not post one now and then comment here to let me know!

  46. i shared it on facebook
    i hope i win

  47. i messaged all my facebook friends to check it out and also sent messages to my bookmooch, goodreads, smashwords, flipreads, emails and etc.

  48. Take a deep breath---Facebooked it,Google+ed it,twittered it(rt'd so exposed to at LEAST 30,000 followers),blogged it, vlogged it,youtubed it,Pinned it, goodreads'ed it,amazon reviewed it, begged for shares'ed it, son whined for it, bought it and most of all READ IT! Whew....I'm tired now...need a kindle fire to sit and cuddle with my son now....Help me won't you?

    Shared you on Facebook & sent a chain message to EVERYONE on my contact list!!! I would really love to win please please help!! :))
