Diary of a Nerd King #2: Episodes 5-8

Diary of a Nerd King #2: Episodes 5-8 Available NOW on Amazon!

Shhhh!  There's a SECRET contest inside!


  1. Hi, Matt!

    My name is Shannon O'Donnell. I would love to feature you either on my blog, BOOK DREAMING (http://shannonkodonnell.blogspot.com) or at Project Middle Grade Mayhem (http://www.project-middle-grade-mayhem.blogspot.com) as a "don't miss" middle grade title. My son LOVES your series . . . L-O-V-E-S it! In fact, he thinks it's even better than the Wimpy Kid books--a pretty great compliment from your target age group. If you are interested, please let me know. Feel free to check out both blogs.

    my email is:

    mrso_d at yahoo dot com

  2. I like this book more than the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series too.

  3. Hi
    I love your nerd king series and I hate having to wait about 70 seconds to download the newest book and really wish you could change to a magazine format on the kindle so the newest issue downloads while I'm sleeping ready for me in the morning
