
I stepped in bubble gum today on the way to school.

I hate bubble gum.

It stuck to my shoe, and I couldn't get it off.  I got some of it off by scraping my foot along the sidewalk, but there was still pieces of gum stuck in the treads of my shoe.  I could feel it every time I took a step and my one foot stuck to the ground a bit.

bubble gum on the Nerd King's shoe

I've never liked bubble gum.  Don't like blowing bubbles and don't like the taste of it... ANY of it.

And of course I hate it when I step in it like I did today.

To get my mind off the gum on my shoe and my foot sticking to the sidewalk as I walked, I decided to come up with my TOP 10 REASONS I HATE BUBBLE GUM.


1 – Stepping in other people's gum.  It's the worst.  You can't get it off your shoe, and your foot sticks to the ground.

2 – Tastes awful no matter what flavor.  I've tried pretty much all of them, and I don't like any of them (except MAYBE watermelon).

3 – People blowing bubbles look stupid.  They get these silly faces and make funny shapes with their mouths and their eyes bulge out.

4 – Hurts my jaw after chewing it for too long.

5 – Costs as much as a chocolate bar or a bag of chips, but doesn't fill you up.  If I'm gonna spend my hard-earned allowance on junk food, I want to at least not be hungry when I'm finished.

6 – Makes you hungry chewing it.  Related to Reason #5, not only does bubble gum not fill you up, it makes you hungry from chewing it.

7 – Stupid advertisements on tv make it look like crazy stuff will happen to you just from chewing gum.  I don't know anybody who has had a girl kiss him, or been able to fly, or had something else awesome happen to them just because they were chewing gum.

8 – I know I said I was making a list of my TOP 10 REASONS I HATE BUBBLE GUM, but I ran out of reasons at 7.  Sorry.

9 – See #8.

10 – See #9.

And then I thought of a few reasons I actually like bubble gum, so I ended up coming up with 5 THINGS I LIKE ABOUT BUBBLE GUM.


1 – Watermelon flavor is ok.

2 – Watching someone else step in bubble gum is kind of funny.

3 – Cute girls chewing bubble gum and blowing bubbles gives you a reason to watch them without being accused of staring.

cute girl blowing a bubble gum bubble

4 - Watching other people who look stupid chewing gum is funny.

5 – Some of those tv ads are kinda cool and have good special effects.

Even though I came up with 7 REASONS I HATE BUBBLE GUM and only 5 THINGS I LIKE ABOUT BUBBLE GUM, I think the likes win, mostly because of #2, #3, and #4 (and mostly, mostly because of #3).

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