Wolverine vs Batman


Cindy Patterson glared at me in the hallway at school this morning.

I guess she's still mad about Mr. Sorenson's mistakenly thinking I was looking up her skirt.

I thought about pointing out to her that she had been wearing jeans, not a skirt, so Mr. Sorenson was clearly wrong, but then I decided against it.  I didn't have my drawing of the difference between jeans and skirts with me, and I always make my point better with visual aids.

At lunch, Boogie and I got into an argument over whether Wolverine or Batman would win in a fight.

Wolverine from the X-Men

Obviously Wolverine would, but Boogie kept arguing that Batman would win.


The argument didn't last very long because we didn't have any paper to draw on and make our points.

I almost always win when we have our argument on paper because I'm so awesome at drawing.  It's not fair really, because Boogie doesn't have much of a chance against my drawing skills.

Then things got a little crazy when Boogie spilled his drink all over Craig Johnson.

Boogie spilling his drink all over Craig Johnson

Boogie tried to say it was partly my fault because I pointed out Sheila Corunna was wearing a really nice shirt.  Boogie turned around really fast to see it, and that's when he knocked his drink over and it went all over Craig.

I can understand Boogie trying to take some of the heat off himself, especially since Craig is a jock, and really good at sports, and is really strong, and he was really mad, but I don't appreciate him trying to put the blame on me.

Craig's Jock Muscles

He could've pointed the finger at someone else instead of me, his best friend.

Since he didn't, I just looked shocked and said I didn't know what he was talking about because it was him that spilled his drink all over Craig, not me.

After some really dirty looks from Craig, and a few nasty comments about Boogie that I didn't really think were necessary, Craig headed off to the washroom to get cleaned up.

I was pretty sure that wasn't going to be the end of it though, and Boogie obviously didn't think so either because he didn't waste any time getting out of there through the door that was farthest away from the washrooms where Craig had headed.

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